
As Christians, we believe that prayer is an important part of our spiritual life, but it can be quite a challenge.  Prayer is a conversation, and therefore requires listening as well as speaking.  Set out below are one or two prayers that might help you if you are facing a challenge at this time:

Children are very good at praying. If you have children why not encourage them to pray with you as a family. 

We hold daily prayer services on our facebook page at 9am and 9pm. Once the service has taken place it is recorded so you can partake at anytine. All welcome.

Jesus taught His followers how to pray using The Lord’s Prayer, as follows:

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done; on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory,
for ever and ever.  Amen.


"Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always."
Chronicles 16:11

It may help you to find somewhere quiet, even in a busy household, and sometimes having a lighted candle in the room can be a point of focus as you pray.  There are a number of books of prayer which can help us when we find it hard to find our own words, and the Church of England’s own website has a link for additional resources - please click here.

Below are one or two prayers which you might find helpful: 

Faithful Lord,
whose steadfast love never ceases
and whose mercies never come to an end:
grant us the grace to trust you
and to receive the gifts of your love,
new every morning,
in Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.

God of our salvation,
help us to turn away from those habits which harm our bodies
and poison our minds,
and to choose again your gift of life,
revealed to us in Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Be present, oh merciful God,
and protect us through the silent hours of this night,
so that we who are wearied
by the changes and chances of this fleeting world,
may repose upon your eternal changelessness;
through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


Copyright: Common Worship, Archbishop’s Council of the Church of England